Opening Day!

FULL of excitement and gratitude!  Today is the grand debut of my website... a culmination of my life's purpose, my talents, persistence, experience, and everything in life that delights me.  I am so grateful for, and rather in awe of, everything that has led me to this point that I don't even know how to thank God, the universe, each person who has encouraged and supported me, properly!  I'm ready to spill love and thankfulness out all over the place!  That's a fine feeling.  :)

I thought I'd share this piece of writing, authored by my daughter's friend, from the Reflections exhibit this past Tuesday.  This is her response to the prompt The World Would Be a Better Place If....

The world would be a better place if people kept the openness and curiosity they had as children.  If they followed their life-long childhood dream and didn't let fear overcome them.

The world would be a better place if adults would live to the moment and be enthusiastic about the little things.

The world would be a better place if adults kept an open mind and heart and used their imagination to guide them down the path of adulthood.

The world would be a better place if adults would have a positive outlook on life and if they loved who they are.

The world would be a better place if adults would trust their gut feeling and never doubt themselves.

-Abby Hartman, Age 10

Abby's hopes rang true to the core of my being, and Abby, I hope I'm an adult that lives into your words.  And a shout out to Abby's beautiful mama, Becki.  The world IS a better place because of you and your children, and the  intentions you just shared with us!