It's a Hell Yes!

I'm reflecting on intuition.  Have you had opportunities and experiences that you felt clearly led toward, and either said yes or no to them?  Intuition is either a "Hell Yes" or a "Hell No!"  It excites me every time when I reflect on the times I followed mine, and how much I appreciate being in tune with that guidance.  One of those times happened just over a year ago,  when I discovered IIN, signed up, and then, as had been my habit since I became a wife and mom, I persuaded myself that it wasn't the right time; it would require a major budget adjustment and there were things I'd rather get for the kids; it might take some of my time and energy away from my family... and I un-enrolled.  And within 2 weeks, I knew without a doubt that if I didn't do this RIGHT NOW, something in me would die.  I would probably live a great many more years, and probably have many other fine opportunities, but something absolutely necessary for my life would be lost, and I wouldn't get this one back.  The time was now.  I stood at the crossroads of the path I had taken for 10 years, and the path that was mine for the taking if I wanted to continue and create the fulfilling, empowered, vibrant, passionate life of my childhood hopes and dreams.  It was a scary choice, one that by all my analytical calculations shouldn't have been the right time, and one made harder by the habits I had fallen into regarding my own life dreams, but I knew with every living part of my being that it was what I had to do.  I took the leap.  And I just want to hug that intuition (and my awesome guy, who knows what a Hell Yes is!)!

Intuition will never take you the wrong way, but doubt and fear will.  Getting clear on what your Hell Yes and Hell No feel like, and having the courage to listen, is not just empowering.  It also changes the course of your life, from "great but something's missing" to "absolutely amazing!"  Have you followed, or not, your intuition?  How does it feel when you look back at those choices, and what have you learned from them?

Check out Christine Hassler for more of her fun guidance on following intuition!