The Hurry
The problem: "I'm in a hurry and don't know why. Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun. All I really gotta do is live and die, but I'm in a hurry and don't know why."
This Alabama song used to play in my head nearly every morning, for many years, no matter how much time I had or didn't have. I've been observing this trend, at least in America, to always be rushing. Rushing our kids, rushing through life, always this constant pressure of the (hypothetical) ticking clock. I especially felt it while driving, and I noticed that I felt it even when I wasn't late or on a time schedule. I nearly constantly felt that I didn't have enough time. I recognized that it was a stressful feeling, and I've consciously been bringing my awareness to the issue for the past few years. Here's what I've come up with.
The solution: Einstein Time. This morning, when my inner radio tuned in to the old song, I was excited to notice that I don't feel that same constant hurry anymore! I thought I'd share what's helped me live a little more presently: it's Einstein time. Of course, it's a very complex theory that has a brilliantly simple application. Gay Hendricks says that "for your life to work harmoniously, you need to develop a harmonious relationship with time," and that there's a simple truth for you to embrace:
“You’re where time comes from.”
You're also where energy, love, creativity, and joy come from, but one thing at a time... he he. Time is not something that happens outside of you - on a clock, for example. The entire experience of time is created by YOU. Do you remember when you were a kid, and summer vacation actually felt like a lifetime? Have you ever been engaged in a conversation with a friend that felt like maybe 10 or 20 minutes - but it was 2 hours?! Or if you have kids, 10 years can sometimes feel like a week, or a week like 10 years! True to its Theory of Relativity name, time really is relative.
Now, put yourself in the scenario of being 5 or 10 minutes late, and you're driving to work. You are in a huge rush, and time just seems to speed up, as the red light lasts much longer than usual. This is where Einstein Time gets real. When you imagine that you should be in a place that you are not in right now, time works against you. It's what truly being present means: knowing that in every single second, you are exactly where you are meant to be, and never allowing the illusion of wanting to be somewhere else to rob your time, joy, and energy.
When you settle yourself FULLY into right NOW, you can create your experience of time, and there is never any reason to rush. I know, it sounds so out there. But it's really IN HERE!!! The scenario now looks like this: you're driving to work, fully present, really breathing and experiencing being in the car, actually being in your body in this place. You can allow yourself to have plenty of time. And when you really breathe and be in the place you are, somehow you arrive at exactly the right time. At first, it seems unreal and difficult, but the more you practice it, the more you experience it! You've got to BREATHE, and be fully in the place where you are.
The Worry
The problem: A state of unrest and unease, where you are so concerned about the past or the future that you are not able to have peace right now. You're worried. About everything.
I have kids. I know all about worry. But again, I observe that it creates stress, not joy. It does not serve you or those around you to worry. Here's what I've been piecing together on this topic. What we're worried about isn't happening right now, or we'd be dealing with the scenario, right now. What we're worrying about is happening in our head. And our thoughts become our words. Our words become our actions. Our actions become our habits. Our habits become our values. Our values become our destiny. I'm thinking Mahatma Gandhi knew a thing or two about the Law of Attraction. What you think about produces energy, and you tap into the experiences of that energy. Deep thoughts here! So, when you are worrying about something, the images playing in your mind probably aren't positive ones - and that's the energetic level of experience that you will have. A positive result can't come from negative thinking, and you get to choose it!
The solution: TRUST. Have you ever noticed, when you look back on your life, that no matter what it was that happened, it was a blessing or a gift? It's ALL good! You can see that even the challenges, if you've had enough time go by, were for good in your life. And we can know this in every moment, no matter what's going on. I have trusted through every life experience I've had - they haven't always been fun or enjoyable to go through. But I know in every moment that even though I can't see the good in it yet, God knows what (S)He's doing! That's enough for me. To know that I don't have to have the answers and reasons. God's pretty smart, and we can all piggyback on that intelligence, by just trusting what's happening, rather than worry about what's happening.
What does this look like in real life? It looks like this: a worry comes into my mind. I notice it, and decide what I would like the outcome or experience to look like. I breathe. I begin to think about how I'd like it to go, and I feel what it feels like to have that outcome. It feels pretty good. I smile, and I say, "Thanks God! I trust you. You know what you're doing. Just show me what you want me to do!" It aligns me with a higher source of energy. Something that seems "terrible" may still happen in my life - it's not like there will never be a "rainy day" (and why do those get such a bad rap?!). I still trust that whatever is happening is purposeful, and I'm thankful for it or for what I can learn! No worries... it's all good!
I don't actually live in Einstein time every second (yet), and I'm not worry- free in every moment (yet), but I practice a lot! When I forget, I forget, and when I remember, I remember. I'm pretty sure it's ok to learn new things and not completely grasp or live them immediately, but to add them in to the best of your ability. Have fun practicing new experiences, trying new ideas (and foods!), and noticing new things! No hurry, unless you're hurrying, and no worries, unless you're worrying... but no matter what you're doing, remember to breathe!